Vietnam Elephant Initiative
Our Team
The Vietnam Elephant Initiative (VEI) was founded in 2014 by a coalition of institutions and individuals, including:
Susan Mikota, DVM of Elephant Care International
Erin Ivory, North Carolina Zoo Society
In 2017, Hollis Burbank-Hammarlund of Work for Wild Life International joined the VEI team.
The VEI supported the Dak Lak Elephant Conservation Centre (ECC) in the early phases of its development.
Background ~ The ECC, is a government-supported organization tasked with the challenge of preventing the extinction of the Asian elephant in Vietnam. It is comprised of two departments, one that overseas the management of captive elephant populations and the other that protects the wild elephant population.
VEI coalition members formed solid relationships and worked hand-in-hand with the ECC management staff and ECC mahouts from 2014 to 2018. Dr. Willem Schaftenaar continues to provide as-needed veterinary care assistance.